miércoles, 8 de enero de 2014

Is UN Women Useful for Advancing Gender Equality?

I highly recommend this article of Professors Chinkin and Charlesworth where they engage in a discussion on the value of UN Women as a tool for advancing Gender Equality. As they sustain in their article, the creation of institutional structures is not enough unless it is accompanied by a development of the normative framework. The cause of women needs more than institutional coherence and far more can be done within the framework of the United Nations in the fields of equality, development and peace.

The Creation of UN Women

Hilary Charlesworth 

Australian National University - ANU College of Law; Australian National University (ANU) - Regulatory Institutions Network (RegNet)

Christine Chinkin 

London School of Economics - Law Department

June 3, 2013

Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law, Forthcoming 
RegNet Research Paper No. 2013/7 

You can download the article here

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